Saturday, July 14, 2007

Summer Intercession

Passage of the Week:

1Tim. 2.1 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone — 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

Great News of the Week:

As our academic year ends, our opportunity to do a very special work begins. We can now focus our intercession upon next year’s students and coworkers. I would like to see a supernatural visitation of God in my classrooms next fall; I know it won’t happen without many people joining me in prayer for that very thing.

On Memorial Day Monday, my friend Marcus Smith joined me in walking a circle around and praying for Truman Middle School (pictured above) in N Tacoma. This quote from President Truman is written above one of the entrances of the school building:
“The fundamental purpose of our educational system is to instill a moral code in the rising generation and create a citizenship which will be responsible for the welfare of the nation.”
Harry S. Truman left us a wonderful mandate. Sadly, federal law now asks us to do this with one hand tied behind our backs. Nevertheless, the Creator is infinitely creative. As we pray, God will show us legal, appropriate and tasteful ways to not only “instill a moral code” in the rising generation but also to help them understand that the welfare of our nation stands or falls with our faith. Let’s pray!

If you would like me to pray with you on your school campus after school’s out, just e-mail me and let’s set a date.

Let’s Help One Another:

If you have a testimony of something God did in your classroom or school this last academic year, please e-mail it to me and I can forward it to our fellow educators!

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