Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Well-Driven Nails

Passage of the Week:

Ecclesiastes 12.11 (NKJ): “The words of the wise are like goads, and the words of scholars like well-driven nails, given by one Shepherd.”

Great News of the Week:

Your opportunity is almost here to give your students a thought to ponder all summer, and perhaps for the rest of their lives. Good preachers and public speakers end their presentations with a “punch,” a pithy and memorable statement that their audiences will remember and ponder long after the meeting is over. Your opportunity to make that “punch” comes right before you tell your students, “Good-bye, have a great summer!” It may be the last chance you have to speak into the lives of this year’s students, but the right words can stick like a well-driven nail.

I’m 54 years old and I can still remember a single line from my 7th grade health teacher. One day, as an encouragement to humility he said to us, “Remember, no matter who you are there is always someone greater than you.” Now, that’s not an end-of-the-school-year statement, and I can’t explain just why it stuck with me, but the point is that a well-chosen, Spirit-led remark can follow your students for the rest of their lives.

So I’m your sticky-note reminder: start thinking and praying now about the well-driven nail you’re going to leave your students with on the last day of classes.

Let’s Help One Another:

If you’ve got a great end-of-the-year saying for your students, please e-mail it to me and I can forward it to our fellow educators!

Please Help us Expand the Fellowship:

Please help us encourage Christian Educators in our public school districts. You can do this by sending us your insights about teaching in public school. Please also send us the e-mail addresses of teachers who would be willing to get networked with us.
We will never try to sell you anything, we will never ask anyone for money, and we will never share our mailing list with anyone who would.

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