Monday, August 27, 2007

The Weapons of Our Warfare

2Cor. 10.4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
18 people (shown here praying at the office windows of principal Roger Samples) gathered for our prayer walk at Spanaway Junior High. The Holy Spirit gave wonderful discernment as we spent a powerful 2 hours encircling the school with warfare prayer. We may not be able to initiate oral prayers in the classroom, but nothing bars us from praying for the classroom. Veteran missionary, Dick L., who joined us for this prayer walk shared with me from his own experience how prayer at strategic locations perceptibly decreases resistance to the Holy Spirit’s work in Muslim countries. If prayer can do that in Muslim lands, it can certainly render our schools more responsive to the Spirit’s influence. Prayer is one of our mighty weapons. Prayer will remain the key factor in taking captive the wayward thoughts of our culture, and bringing them into submission to the Truth who is Jesus Christ — whether in the marketplace or in the classroom.

Please email me if you would like to schedule a Saturday prayer walk around your school.

Lynn Graciano, Band Teacher, Spanaway Jr. Hi.

Teacher Recognition & Commissioning
As the new school year begins, some of your church congregations will recognize your strategic work as missionaries to our needy culture, and pray a commissioning prayer for Public School Educators during a Sunday service. Whether or not you get to attend such a service, I want you to know that pastors in Pierce County recognize the strategic nature of your work in the community. You are just as much a true minister of Jesus Christ as any ordained clergy. While we eagerly welcome your every involvement on the church campus, it should not be necessary for you to feel that you have a “real ministry.” You have been called and anointed by the Holy Spirit to be salt and light on the school campus; that is your vital ministry and calling, and we in your community are eternally grateful.

Bethel School District Needs Our Prayers
You’ve seen the news: Bethel District teachers opted to strike, postponing the start of their school year. This puts some Christian educators in an awkward position, and they covet your prayers for a speedy resolution of the issues. Let’s support them in this way.

Praying for you!